Acupuncture is finally gaining the recognition it deserves in Western medicine. Many health conditions can be effectively treated and managed with acupuncture.
Acupuncture has been useful in treating conditions that Western medicine has yet to pinpoint a direct cause. Western medicine relies a great deal on knowing exactly what is causing a disease or condition making it rather difficult to treat conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. For some, acupuncture may be the best alternative to conventional medicine. For others, it may work nicely as a complimentary treatment alongside conventional medicine.
Best service in town by far, great people and very attentive. If you have been in an accident and need assistance come see Dr Montero.
Corado D
It was comfortable to even be there and the attention was amazing! I felt completely safe and relax, Montero did a really good job!
Evelyn M
They are very informative, compassionate and accommodating. I trust Montero 100% and will continue using their services in the future as well as let everyone I know how great they are!
Aracely O
Dr. Montero is very capable and takes the time to answer your questions. He is also extremely pleasant and has lots of experience! Highly recommended!
Liz C
El mejor quiropractico en la ciudad muy amable muy buen servicio y muy respetuoso y con un corazón de oro .. dispuesto a ayudarte en lo que nesecitas ..
Bagui G
This office stands by their mission. Wonderful service. Dr. Montero is patient, caring and I all he wanted to do was to put me in a state of comfort. I have TMJ, and it was bad for weeks. Just after one treatment, the headaches have subsided and my jaw line is still sore, but manageable.
Vitals Patient